Not For Lazy MomsWe Want It All.We Do It All.

What mom is lazy? Being a mother is one of the most challenging, yet fulfilling jobs you can ever experience. It requires wearing several hats and using several hands to multitask and get the jobs done.

Not for Lazy Moms is a community for new generation moms who want it all and do it all. We strive to be the best versions of ourselves - in our parenting, relationships, careers, and self-care. This is a site for everyone!

From The Confessions Wall


Confession: No Mom Sundays

Submitted by: Nicole

Frederick, MD

I tell my husband and 8 year old son that they do NOT have a mommy or wife on Sunday nights because I watch all my TV shows. They are highly offended and I don’t care.


Confession: Making A Home

Submitted by: Anonymous

Cleveland, OH

Sometimes I feel like a failure. I work 40 hours a week, and I spend much needed time with my son but unfortunately I just feel like I’m failing him because I don’t have a lot of things for him to really call our house a home. We have a home but we literally have no furniture besides a tiny “card table” and the beds in both of our rooms. it seems no matter how much my checks are there’s always bills bills bills and I can’t seem to save for anything because bills are never ending. I guess my confession is I wish I wasn’t failing in the area of giving my son a HOME HOME. My biggest wish for the year 2020 is to make that come true so I’m working towards it‼️ Wish me luck guys! Peace , Love & Light


Confession: Piggy Bank


Bethesda, MD

Submitted by: Anonymous

Recently my son's tooth fell out and I wanted to leave a dollar for his tooth under his pillow.

But realized I didn't have any change.

So I took a dollar out of his piggy bank and put that underneath his pillow.